Saturday, January 31, 2009


this is a project we did the other day. i really love the video because it shows how easily the girls are able to play together and imitate each other. they had fun stamping with paint stampers (basically bingo dotters), writing with pens, and using masking tape to finish up their project. originally i used the tape to hold the paper in place, but then olive became utterly fascinated by it and spent a great deal of time sticking more tape. i think the pictures of annabelle holding the pen are hilarious. she looks so professional, as though she is taking very serious notes.

1 comment:

Claire, Sam, Olive and Mae said...

Love this series of pictures - and the video so clearly shows various stages of infant/toddler development! I am not at all surprised by Olive's love of the tape - she loves fine motor activities!. Also glad you got some great video before the screaming started. :)