Tuesday, January 27, 2009


this is wren and luna on one of luna's first days. luna is used to having me all to herself, and so her obvious adjustment has been learning to share my time, and toys, with this intruder baby. she spent her first day scooping toys into her arms and saying, "no! no! baby wren. these aren't for you." wren would crawl away, not caring at all, and find a new toy to play with. luna would quickly chase after her and grab the next toy away. we had many conversations about sharing the toys, which are actually wren's toys (tough concept), and the difference between baby wren and three year old luna and her abilities. luna has quickly become the "big girl" around our house, caring for (and sometimes bossing) the younger girls. she is quick to close baby gates, is aware when wren has things she shouldn't, and offers solutions when any of the girls are sad or mad. although the other day she did sigh and say, "ok, ara. can you please put wren away now? like, um, maybe somewhere up high??"

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