Monday, April 6, 2009

tomatilla salsa.

i love the afternoons when the little girls sleep and i get some one on one time with luna. the 3-4 year old age range is truly my favorite, they are so capable, curious, and eager to participate in life. when luna and i have time together i try to plan things for her that we couldnt do, or do as well, with the younger kiddos. cooking projects, art projects, and sewing top the list, as luna loves fine motor activities. we made salsa (i dont know, last week? the week before? i never have time to upload and write as frequently as i want to) and luna loved all the peeling involved. she peeled and rinsed the tomatillas. then she peeled the garlic. then she peeled the onion. she also rinsed and sorted (the sorting was her idea) the cilantro. she squeezed in lime and we blended it up. the books i read always say that when children help cook something they are more willing to try it. in my experience this has never been true. but maybe eventually it will be....

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